Saturday, May 3, 2008

3-4 May 2008

39 Dorset Square
London NW1
2242 BST

Missing and Exploited Luggage

I will get the complaint out of the way first - it is now Sunday night and my checked bag is still nowhere to be seen. Fortunately, I had enough in my carry-on to get by, but will be severely annoyed if they lose my 2 best suits. Tomorrow morning I will go on to Selfridge's to pick up a few more clothes, since it seems no one is in a tremendous hurry to find my bag.

Pimp My Airport Shuttle

Despite this, I had a hilarious encounter on the express train between Heathrow and central London. Was sitting there, minding my own business, when a tall dude with braids and a long purple coat loomed up next to me in the aisle...all manner of bling clinking as he walked. For a split second, I was alarmed. And then he said in a cut-glass accent:

"May I have your ticket, please?"


More to come soon when I upload pictures from today.